Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Missing in Action!

It is basically inexcusable. I have been negligent of this space and have caused anxiety to friends and colleagues by not blogging. Sorry. Many apologies. Grovel.

Several excuses. Bitten by a lama whilst swimming amongst sharks. Sent tone deaf by accidentally listening to a Barry Mannilow CD. Deranged by the developments in the life of Paris Hilton. Washed up on the shares of Iwo Jima following an attempt to make a movie entirely in Welsh. Caught trying on a tutu with a guy named Desmond. Bitten by a rabid politician worried about her fate in the government of Gordon Brown. All lame excuses. None of them true.

The fact is, was just too hectic and took on too many things. By the time the day was done, so was I. So no blog. As you may have guessed by now, things are quieter. So I have time and I am back.

I have written two short books since I last blogged. Not as such, but the equivalent of in reports, documents and submissions. I have been walking in Italy (the Italian Riviera and the Cinque Terra), cooking in Umbria, partying in Wales, teaming up with old friends in Warrington, visiting my mum and sister on the Yorkshire coast, resting in Umbria, facilitating in Oxford, palling it up in London, been to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, spent time with colleagues in British Columbia, took a break in the hinterland near Toronto and written hundreds of emails.

More to the point. I am well, refreshed and raring to do some work, but not much. (Just a note of thanks to those who have been concerned about my health). Lynne is well too (except for a current bout of shingles, which is no fun).

So expect polemic, insght, humour and bullshit and other good stuff in this space from now on.

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